Memorial Arch Parade

Procession of ex-cadets marching thru the old gate of RMC towards the memorial Arch.

This event serves as traditions that foster bonds between current and former RMC cadets. It is scheduled to start with the parade formation taking place on the parade square followed by a memorial service at the century old Memorial Arch, immediately after the conclusion of the Badging Parade. The Memorial Arch was donated to RMC by the Ex-Cadet organization in 1924. It records the names of all ex-Cadets who have lost their lives in operations in the service of Canada. 


Saturday, September 14, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. from the parade square, 15 Valour Dr. to the Memorial Arch, 3 Valor Dr.

Dress: CAF Members: DEU 1A, Cadets: Scarlets, DND Employees: Appropriate Attire, Alumni: College Blazer and Tie or business suit - with medals. Raincoat if required. 

Vehicular Restrictions:

From 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. on September 13: Parking is not allowed in the parking area located along Navy Bay, next to the Aquatic Center and to the Sawyer Parking Lot. 

From noon September 13 to 10 p.m. September 14: Staff and faculty with assigned reserved parking spaces are requested to park along Point Frederick or within the parking area beside the swing space. Students, staff and faculty are requested not to park in the designated GREY and ORANGE parking areas located behind the Sawyer building.

From 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. on September 14: No parking allowed on Valour Dr.

Note: Violators will be ticketed and/or towed at their cost.

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