Looking for an Expert?

Subject Matter Experts - Members of the faculty of the Royal Military College of Canada

RMC may have the expert that you need.

This database is a resource guide for journalists seeking the opinion of members of the faculty of RMC in Kingston, Ontario, as subject matter experts.

RMC has numerous academics that could make themselves available for media interviews by phone, in-person and for talk-back TV interviews.

Although subject to the Defence Administrative Orders and Directives (DAOD) 2008-2, public service employees in the Defence Team and members of the RMC faculty speak in their professional capacity or as private citizens because they have the right to freedom of expression in accordance with Article 5 of the Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Canadian Military Colleges Faculty Association.  

Academics at RMC are not speaking on behalf of RMC, unless they have been authorized to do so.

Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members of the RMC military faculty are guided by DAOD 2008-2, and the Queen's Regulations and Orders (QR&O) Volume I – Chapter 19.14, 19.36, 19.37, and 19.375.

If necessary, for more information about RMC or assistance, please contact the RMC Public Affairs Officer at (613) 541-6000 ext 6484.

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