Public Events

Students, staff, and faculty of RMC invite the media and the public to attend its ceremonial events on campus.

The information provided on this page is subject to change and this page will be updated without notice as new information becomes available.


ILOY Completion Ceremony

ILOY Completion Ceremony

The Completion Ceremony of the Indigenous Leadership Opportunity Year (ILOY) program celebrates the success of Indigenous members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). ILOY is a unique one-year program designed to provide Indigenous students with individual, group, and cultural experiences that help build leadership and life skills. Many of them continue studies under the Regular Officer Training Plan in a degree program to become officers of the CAF.

AMS Graduation Ceremony

AMS Students course photo in Latvia

Students with the Department of Applied Military Science of RMC will be presented their certificate for successfully completing the Army Technical Staff Officer Programme or the Army Technical Warrant Officer Programme, both incorporating education and training to develop critical thinking, management and technology competencies and skills.

March Through The Arch

March Thru The ArchThe journey of first-year naval and officer cadets at RMC starts with their march through the Memorial Arch, signifying the beginning of their time under the Regular Officer Training Plan. They will walk through the arch only a second time upon completion of the program.

Open House

RMC Open House in New Gym

The Open House provides prospective applicants and their families with an opportunity to engage with students, staff and faculty of RMC to learn more about its programme, student life, and take part in select-facilities tours.


The RMC Badging Weekend and the Royal Military Colleges Alumni Association (RMCAA) Reunion Weekend will take place on September 13 and 14, 2024.

The format of the weekend was adjusted in 2023, which sees the Memorial Arch Parade occur on Saturday immediately following the Badging Parade before the remainder of Alumni Association activities taking place on and off campus. This gives families of our new first-year students an opportunity to spend more quality time together before they return home.

Obstacle Course and Coin Ceremony

Obstacle Course

First-year cadets concluding their orientation period with the challenging 13-obstacle course demonstrates the esprit-de-corps and teamwork that has been instilled in them throughout the First Year Orientation Period. Upon completion of the Obstacle Course, they receive a coin from members of the Royal Military Colleges Alumni Association who entered the military university at least 50 years ago.

Badging Parade

Badging Parade

The efforts and resolve demonstrated by naval and officer cadets completing the challenging Obstacle Course will be recognized during the Badging Parade. The presentation of RMC cap badges to every first-year cadets on parade by members of the Royal Military Colleges Alumni Association and Training Wing Staff signifies the Class of 2028's admittance to the Cadet Wing of RMC.

Memorial Arch Parade

Memorial Arch Parade

This event serves as traditions that foster bonds between current and former RMC cadets. It is scheduled to start with the parade formation taking place on the parade square followed by a memorial service at the 100-year-old Memorial Arch, immediately after the conclusion of the Badging Parade. The Memorial Arch was donated to RMC by the Ex-Cadet organization in 1924.  It records the names of all ex-Cadets who have lost their lives in operations in the service of Canada. 

Wall of Honour Ceremony

Wall of honour ceremony

This event recognizes former cadets and other distinguished individuals associated with the Canadian Military Colleges for outstanding achievements and contributions to Canada and the world. The next ceremony will honour 8276 Captain (Navy), the Honourable Joseph Jean-Pierre Marc Garneau, PC, CC, CD and 12560 Major Robert Bruce Henwood, MSM, CD in 2025. 


Graduation will take place on May 15 and 16, 2025.

Over 300 students attending RMC will be presented their bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, and approximately 200 of them will become commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). For most, these events mark the end of their military university journey and the beginning of their careers as commissioned officers of the CAF. Students of the Regular Officer Training Plan must successfully complete all four pillars - academics, military (leadership and ethos), fitness, and bilingualism - to graduate with an RMC degree, and to receive their Officer’s commission script.

Convocation Ceremony

Convocation Ceremony

The Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor of RMC will confer graduating students with their Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees in his role as Chancellor and President of RMC.

Sunset Ceremony

Sunset Ceremony

The ceremony will feature a fanfare, the Fort Frederick Guard - a reenactment team that demonstrates the infantry tactics of RMC during the late 19th century, around the time of the original first 18 cadets of RMC known as the "Old Eighteen" - using original Martini-Henry Mk1 rifles firing blanks in addition to a Naval Field Gun, Indigenous Leadership Opportunity Year drummers, performances by Highland dancers and colour party demonstrations with RMC’s prestigious band, an honour guard performing a ‘feu de joie’, and a lone piper on the top of RMC’s clock tower, leading spectators to the event finale: a seven-minute fireworks show at sunset. Many of the activities presented in this ceremony benefit from ongoing financial support from the RMC Alumni Association. 

Commissioning Parade

An officer cadet poses for the presentation of a commission script with a General Officer and Chief Warrant Officer

General Officers and Flag Officers will present commission scripts to naval and officer cadets during the Commissioning Parade, which is the formal presentation of a CAF commission script in the name of His Majesty. Upon completion of the parade, the graduates will march through the Memorial Arch, signifying the conclusion of their time under the Regular Officer Training Plan at RMC.

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