Obstacle Course and Coin Ceremony

A member of the 'old Brigade' give a cadet the coin bearing his College Number
RMC Cadet Coin


First-year cadets concluding their orientation period with the challenging 13-obstacle course demonstrates the esprit-de-corps and teamwork that has been instilled in them throughout the First Year Orientation Period. Upon completion of the Obstacle Course, they receive a coin from members of the Royal Military Colleges Alumni Association who entered the military university at least 50 years ago. 

The Coin Ceremony signifies an adoption of a personal identity within the greater community of the Royal Military College of Canada. The handshake and the coin acknowledge that there is a community made up of everyone whose college number comes before – or after – those which have been engraved on the newly received coins.


Friday, September 13, 2024, from 1 to 6:30 p.m. on RMC Campus

Dress: CAF members: Operational Dress, DND employees: Relaxed dress for environmental conditions.

11 a.m. to noon: Director of Cadets briefing to the families on the scheme of maneuver, access, boundaries, and safety considerations at the Kingston Military Community Sports Centre (SAM Gym).

Parking: Sawyer Parking Lot.

Note: Family members attending the briefing are asked to keep their vehicles parked at the Kingston Military Community Sports Centre for the day. Other spectators are to park in the Sawyer Parking Lot. The media have space marked reserved within the Sawyer Parking Lot.

Vehicular Restrictions:

From 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. on September 13: Parking is not allowed in the parking area located along Navy Bay, next to the Aquatic Center and to the Sawyer Parking Lot. 

From noon September 13 to 10 p.m. September 14: Staff and faculty with assigned reserved parking spaces are requested to park along Point Frederick or within the parking area beside the swing space. Students, staff and faculty are requested not to park in the designated GREY and ORANGE parking areas located behind the Sawyer building.

From 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. on September 14: No parking allowed on Valour Dr.

Note: Violators will be ticketed and/or towed at their cost.

Obstacle Course Map

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