As in any conflict, death and wounds were part of Nineteenth Century warfare but death from disease was a greater risk. During the War, British and Canadian casualties from action in the Army and Naval units totalled about 5,000; but 3,300 others died from disease. Amongst the Native Warriors the numbers were much larger being estimated from all causes at 7,500 to 10,000 casualties. Those who died in the War in the Kingston area are buried in local churchyards, in the Upper and Lower Burial Grounds in the City, and in this area of Point Frederick. This latter site was used to receive some of those who succumbed onboard ship, in the Naval Hospital, and at the Royal Naval Dockyard. The numbers buried here are unknown. All who served are remembered opposite, at the foot of Fort Henry hill where a memorial stands.
Extract of a contemporary sketch map of the shores and measures in the vicinity of Kingston from a survey by Lieutenant H.L. Renny, RE, and soundings by Acting Lieutenant W. Bayfield, RN, showing the location of the Hospital and burying ground
Walking Tour

Panel 12 is located at the north end of the Birchall Pavillion on the south side of Billy Bishop Road.