This December 9 to 11, RMC was proud to host this year’s conference of Theory and Practice of Natural Computing (TPNC). TPNC is an annual conference series covering the wide spectrum of computational principles, models and techniques inspired by information processing in nature. This year’s conference included presentations in artificial intelligence, machine learning, evolutionary algorithms (optimization) and machine vision, to name a few of the key discussion topics. The international conference annually attracts some of the world’s leading researchers, and this marks the first time it was held in North America. As a leader of defence research in Canada, RMC’s participation included coordinating the event and editing the proceedings, as well as the presentation of a paper by Dr. François Rivest, a professor in RMC’s Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Dr. Rivest conducts research in artificial intelligence, machine learning, reinforcement learning, animal learning, interval timing, and computational neuroscience. For more information about the conference, please visit: 8th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Natural Computing. For more information about RMC’s Department of Mathematics and Computer Science please visit: The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.