Alireza Yaseri

Alireza yaseri
Alireza Yaseri
Assistant Professor
613-541-6000 poste 6388 CSN:271-6388
Civil Engineering

College Address

Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario, CANADA
K7K 7B4

Dr. Yaseri (PhD from Laval University) is currently an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the Royal Military College of Canada. He is also a member of the GeoEngineering Centre at Queen's-RMC, which includes students and researchers from engineering programs at both Queen's and RMC. Students have the option of enrolling in MSc or PhD programs at either Queen's or RMC.


Research Interests:


  • Computational Geomechanics
  • Numerical modeling using FEM, SBFEM, SPH, and DEM
  • Soil-Structure Interaction
  • Vibration and Moving Load Analysis
  • Earthquake Engineering and Liquefaction
  • Dam Safety and Risk Assessment
  • Tunneling and Underground Excavations


Estimation of Natural periods of Earth Dam-Flexible canyon systems with 3D coupled FEM-SBFEM,

Computer and Geotechnics., vol. 123, no. March, p. 103546, 2020.

A. Yaseri and J. Konrad,


Shear strain dependent amplification function of earth dam-flexible canyon system by the hybrid FEM-SBFEM technique

International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. .2022; 1– 17.

A. Yaseri and J-M. Konrad


Computation of amplification functions of earth dam‐flexible canyon systems by the hybrid FEM‐SBFEM technique

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics,2021/9,Volume 50, Issue, 11, Pages 2883-2896

A. Yaseri and J-M. Konrad


2.5D coupled FEM-SBFEM analysis of ground vibrations induced by train movement,” .

Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Engineering, vol. 104, no. October, pp. 307–318, 2018.

A. Yaseri, M. H. Bazyar, and S. Javady,


3D coupled scaled boundary finite- element/finite-element analysis of ground vibrations induced by underground train movement,

Computer and Geotechnics., vol. 60, pp. 1–8, Jul. 2014.

A. Yaseri, M. H. Bazyar, and N. Hataf




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