2024 History Cyclical Program Review Implementation Plan Update of Cycle 2

Implementation Plan


Follow-up and Resource Implications

Responsibility for Leading Follow-up

Timeline for Addressing Recommendation

1. Reduce normal course load for tenured faculty from six to five (3/2 or 2/3)

Report from the RMC Workload Committee has agreed that a maximal course load for faculty in Social Sciences and Humanities should be no more than 5 credits per year.  To formalize such an arrangement requires negotiations between management and the Faculty Association.  Currently, the Department Chair has been able over the last 6 years to ensure that no full-time indeterminate member of the History Department has had a course loading higher than 5 credits per year.  The Department Chair has also been able to negotiate reductions in teaching assignments for Military Faculty who commonly taught a minimum of 6 credits per year.

Chair, Dean SSH, RMC Principal and Head of CMCFA

July, 2025

2. Hire Indigenous educational design specialist

Recently the position of Associate Vice-Principal, Indigenous Knowledge and Learning became vacant after a long period in which the person holding that position was on leave.  Therefore, little to no work has been done officially to work with professors interested in incorporating Indigenous content and ways of knowing into their courses. Faculty members have nonetheless been incorporating Indigenous content and perspectives in their courses, particularly this coming year in the Canadian military history course (HI203) that is part of the College Common Core Curriculum

Department Head, Dean
and Vice Principal Academic

Update summer 2025.

3. Address gaps and redundancies in curriculum and research specialization

Will resume current hiring process to find a scholar whose teaching and research expertise lies outside the modern Western world.  Due to the recent hiring freeze this final full time position has been put on hold.

Department Head History Hiring Committee

July, 2025.

4. Create and integrate compulsory historical methods course

HI 206 has been approved for the 2023-24 Academic Year (making sure that it is a bilingual offering)

Department Head


5. Establish common standard for course syllabi

For the Fall term 2023, the department created a common template for all syllabi in the Department. The Department continues to work with that template to ensure it remains up to date with changes to College policies and professional best practices

Department Head
Writing Center


6. To promote collegiality and cooperation, it would be preferable if all faculty had offices in the same building.

Continuing to work with professors, CMFCA and QA office to improve both the content and participation of students on teaching evaluations

Department Head and members, Director QA, VPA,

June, 2025

7. Promote real bilingualism

  • Faculty competency
  • Anglophone students taking French/ Bilingual courses
  • Dept events & admin
  • Service workload

Will continue to hire fully bilingual CCC qualified professors (both civilian and Military Faculty where possible).  Will promote students with BBB standing to take courses outside their language of choice.

This coming year one course (HI 332) will be offered in a bilingual format.

Have continued to promote SLT for staff and faculty so that they can maintain/improve their functionality in their second language.

Department Head
VPA and Principal RMC

September, 2025

8. Department Research Action Plan

  • Faculty seminar
  • War Studies
  • Recognition

Annual RMC History Symposium returned in November 2023 and was tremendously successful. Will continue to use Department website and social media presence to celebrate/recognize work of faculty and students.

Department Head


9. Increase Institutional Support for Research

  • Research Grants Officer
  • Mentorship Program
  • Incentives for SSHRC grants

Department will continue to work with the VP Research and the Dean of SSH to make funding (and training) opportunities available to faculty and to promote grant application processes.  Will sponsor grant writing workshops for faculty in the Fall 2024.

Department Head
Dean of SSH
Vice Principal Research

October 2024


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