2024 Master of Business Administration Cyclical Program Review Implementation Plan Update of Cycle 1

Implementation Update Plan


Recommendation Timeline Proposed Follow-up Lead
1. Re-think and Re-work MBA 505 Management Research Project Initiation by June 2024 with completion by December 2024.
  • Conduct a comprehensive review of MBA 505 to assess workload, expectations, and alignment with learning outcomes.
  • Explore the possibility of splitting the course into two parts or offering an alternative like a consulting project, with necessary pre-requisites.
  • Enhance faculty support and training for supervising research projects.
  • Solicit student feedback on course structure and support needs.
Chair of programme through consultative process
2. Develop a new Strategic Plan for the MBA Development phase from July to December 2024, with finalization by March 2025.
  • Form a strategic planning committee comprising faculty, students, alumni, and industry stakeholders.
  • Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify programme strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Develop clear, actionable strategies focusing on programme growth, innovation, and accreditation goals.
  • Ensure alignment with RMC’s overall strategic objectives and the unique needs of our military and civilian students.
Chair of Programme
3. Choose and Pursue Accreditation Decision by September 2024, with preparatory actions through 2025.
  • Assess and decide on the most suitable accreditation body, considering AACSB and other relevant accreditors.
  • Establish a task force to guide the accreditation process, ensuring alignment with the chosen standards.
  • Implement necessary systems, processes, and guidelines, including an assurance of learning system.
  • Engage in continuous improvement and documentation to meet accreditation standards.
Chair of Programme
4. Provide Plans to Mitigate “One-Deep” Organization Issues Immediate risk assessment by July 2024, with plan development by October 2024.
  • Conduct a risk analysis of critical areas, especially information systems.
  • Develop contingency plans for each vulnerable service area, focusing on maintaining programme continuity.
  • Explore partnerships and external support options to reduce reliance on single points of failure.
  • Enhance cross-training and knowledge sharing within the team to ensure operational resilience.
Dean of Graduate Studies in consultation with stakeholders
5. Develop an Internal Communications Course Course development from August 2024 to January 2025, with pilot offering in Spring 2025.
  • Identify key content areas and learning outcomes in collaboration with CAF communication experts.
  • Design a non-credit, compulsory course, integrating it throughout the MBA programme to support timely skill development.
  • Leverage technology and existing resources to deliver the course effectively, ensuring accessibility for all students.
  • Evaluate the course's impact and adjust content and delivery based on student feedback.
Chair of Programme
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