Library services

JSTOR provides access to over 12 million scientific articles, books and primary sources in 75 disciplines. The collections include renowned peer-reviewed periodicals, as well as respected literary magazines, monographs written by experts, research papers from recognized institutions and primary sources.

Need help navigating library resources and how to do research? Come to the library Monday to Friday 0800-1700 and we will guide you through the process.

OverDrive eBook Collection
Borrow fiction and non-fiction titles from RMC’s OverDrive eBook collection using your library card.
Royal Military College of Canada - OverDrive

Sage Research Methods Video
Get help with every stage of the research process. See research in action through tutorials, video case studies and expert interviews.
Check out this sage resource!

Canada Commons (formerly known as "Canadian Electronic Library")
Digital collection of rare, hard-to-find content from Canadian public policy institutes, government agencies, advocacy groups, think-tanks, university research centers and other public interest groups.
Check out Canada Commons!

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS)
EDS is an all-inclusive search solution that makes in-depth research easy. The platform offers sophisticated features and functionality that anticipate user intent, helping them get to exactly what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Search in ALL library resources at once with Ebsco Discovery Service.

CAN-CORE Academic Video (McIntyre Media)
The CAN-CORE collection is designed for Canadian college and university faculty & students. All McIntyre Media content is 100% Canadian-produced and includes a significant amount of content about, and by, Canadian Indigenous people.
CAN-CORE Academic Video

National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
Welcome to, the National Film Board of Canada's award-winning online Screening Room, featuring over 5,000 productions.

GALE Primary Sources
Discover rare monographs, manuscripts, historical newspapers, and more with the GALE Primary Sources archives.

IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics from IEEE journals, standards, transactions and conference proceedings.
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